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Clinical Research

supposititious = assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical
despot = tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler; CF. despotism
topple = become unsteady and fall down
apprise = inform
tardy = slow; sluggish; not on time; late; Ex. tardy arrival
sheer = pure; thin and transparent; very steep
optician = maker and seller of eyeglasses
deposition = testimony under oath; deposing; dethroning
legend = explanatory list of symbols on a map
aseptic = preventing infection; having a cleansing effect
farce = broad comedy; mockery; humorous play full of
silly things happening; ADJ. farcical
acrid = bitter (to the taste or smell); sharp; bitterly pungent
raconteur = story-teller; one who tells stories with wit and
reduce = diminish; bring to a weaker or more difficult
condition; demote; lower in rank; separate into components
by analysis; Ex. reduced to the ranks; Ex. reduce
the house to rubble; N. reduction

inclusive = tending to include all; all-inclusive; Ex. inclusive
waffle = speak equivocally about an issue; N.
sparse = not thick; thinly scattered; scanty
melee = fight
harrowing = agonizing; distressing; traumatic; V. harrow:
break up and level (soil) with a harrow; inflict great distress
on; agonize; N: farming machine to break up the
partition = divide into parts
soluble = able to be dissolved in a liquid; able to be
worked out or solved
supercilious = haughty; arrogant; condescending; patronizing; CF. eyebrow, cilium
minute = extremely small; CF. minutes: official record of
the proceedings at a meeting
iridescent = exhibiting rainbowlike colors; Ex. iridescent
oil slick; N. iridescence
precise = exact
depreciate = lessen in value; belittle; represent as of little
immutable = unchangeable
winsome = charming (in a childlike way); agreeable; gracious;
optimist = person who looks on the bright side; N. optimism
inaugurate = begin formally; install in office; induct into
office by a formal ceremony; N. inauguration; ADJ. inaugural
irrelevant = not applicable; unrelated
quaint = odd in an old-fashioned way; odd; oldfashioned;
studied = carefully contrived; calculated; unspontaneous;
deliberate; thoughtful; Ex. studied remark