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dart = move or throw suddenly and quickly
scholarly = full of learning; erudite; like a scholar; Ex.
scholarly journal
cohesion = tendency to keep together
epoch = period of time
canard = unfounded false rumor; exaggerated false report
toss = throw lightly; move or lift (the head) with a sudden
motion; flip (a coin) to decide something
phalanx = formation of infantry carrying overlapping
shields and long spears; group of men packed together (for attack or defense)
bar = railing in a courtroom; legal profession; vertical line
dividing a staff into equal measures; Ex. prisoner at the
bar; V: shut in or out with bars; forbid; exclude; CF. barrister
lineaments = features especially of the face; distinctive
shape or contour of the face; CF. line
validate = make valid; confirm; ratify
compelling = overpowering; irresistible in effect; holding
one.s attention; that compels one to do something; Ex. a
compelling adventure story; V. compel

concentric = having a common center
pacify = soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue; bring peace
friction = clash or conflict in opinion; rubbing against
scenario = plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie);
opera libretto; outline of possible future events
concession = an act of yielding; conceding; something
conceded; point, right, etc. given unwillingly; privilege
of maintaining a business in a certain place; Ex. oil concessions
in the North sea; CF. concessionaire
serenity = calmness; placidity; ADJ. serene
menial = suitable for servants; lowly; mean; N: someone
who does menial work (esp. servant in a house)
amputate = cut off part of body; prune (a limb)
incarcerate = imprison
presumptuous = going beyond what is right; excessively
forward; arrogant; taking liberties
blithe(blithesome) = gay; joyous
cognitive = having to do with knowing or perceiving related
to the mental processes; N. cognition: the mental
process of knowing
plaintive = expressing sorrow; mournful; Ex. plaintive
rivulet = small stream;
warranty = guarantee; assurance by seller