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clarion = shrill, trumpetlike sound; kind of trumpet used
in former times
traverse = go through or across
cherubic = angelic; innocent-looking; N. cherub; CF. seraph:
winged angel of the highest order
parasite = animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant; CF. para-: beside
decomposition = decay; V. decompose: decay; break and
separate into simple parts
industrious = diligent; hard-working; N. industry
metallurgical = pertaining to the art of removing metals
from ores; N. metallurgy: science that deals with extracting
metals from ores
dutiful(duteous) = (of people or their behavior) respectful;
obedient (filled with a sense of duty)
indices = signs; indications; Ex. indices of a student.s potential; CF. index: something that reveals or indicates; sign; Ex. cost-of-living index
disband = dissolve; disperse; (of a group) break up and
separate; Ex. The club has disbanded.
postulate = self-evident truth; something assumed without
proof; V: assume the truth of (as a basis of an argument)
genealogy = record of descent; lineage; ancestry; study of
mellifluous = (of words or a voice) sweetly or smoothly
flowing; melodious; having a pleasant tune
leonine = like a lion
assimilate = absorb; take (food) into the body and digest
it; understand (knowledge) completely and be able to
use properly; cause to become homogeneous (the people
of a country or race in the wasy of behaving or thinking)
dally = trifle with; toy with; treat without the necessary
seriousness; procrastinate; waste time
queer = strange; eccentric; deviating from the normal
tribune = official of ancient Rome elected by the plebians
to protect their rights; protector of the people
fathom = comprehend; investigate; determine the depth
of; N. unit of measurement for the depth of water
promulgate = announce; proclaim a doctrine or law;
make known by official publication
lateral = of or coming from the side
onomatopoeia = words formed in imitation of natural
rudimentary = elementary; not developed; crude; N.
rudiment: fundamental element or principle; Ex. rudiments
of the language
gambol = romp; skip about; leap about playfully; frolic;