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Clinical Research

ignoble = unworthy; not noble; dishonorable; Ex. ignoble
career = rush wildly; go at full speed
zeal = eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal); ADJ. zealous
miscellany = mixture of writings on various subjects; collection of various items
acquittal = deliverance from a charge; V. acquit: free from
a charge or accusation; discharge from a duty; conduct
(oneself) in a specified manner
evocative = tending to call up (emotions, memories)
titter = nervous giggle; nervous laugh; V.
glut = overstock; fill beyond capacity (with food); fill to
excess; N: oversupply
devious = roundabout; erratic; deviating from the
straight course; not straightforward; not completely
honest; Ex. devious route
imperturbable = unshakably calm; placid
husbandry = frugality; thrift; economy; agriculture; farming;
Ex. animal husbandry; CF. husbandman
ingrate = ungrateful person (not expressing thanks)

conundrum = riddle; difficult problem
premeditate = plan in advance; Ex. premeditated murder
pillage = plunder
pen = fenced enclosure for animals; confining space; Ex.
sheep pen; V: confine in a pen; enclose
spangle = small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for
avantgarde = group of artists whose work is based on the
newest ideas and methods; CF. vanguard
convention = social or moral custom; established practice;
formal meeting; international agreement
debilitate = weaken (esp. through heat, hunger, illness);
speck = small piece or mark; Ex. speck of dust in the eye
unctuous = oily; bland; insincerely suave
effete = having lost one.s original power; barren; worn
out; exhausted
epaulet(epaulette) = ornament worn on the shoulder (of
a uniform, etc.)
clipper = sailing vessel built for great speed
oculist = physician who specializes in treatment of the
rabble = mob; noisy crowd
habituate = accustom or familiarize; addict
broil = cook by direct heat; N.
ingratiate = become popular with; bring (oneself) in favor
of another; Ex. ingratiate himself with the boss
accommodate = oblige or help someone; adjust or bring
into harmony; adapt; make enough space for; ADJ. accommodative;
CF. accomodating: helpful and obliging
cognizance = knowledge; ADJ. cognizant; having knowledge;